The Outskirts (Punk/Rock)

Written by Jonny Havoc

The Outskirts
Posted Oct 19, 2007

Charlie DeKay on Vocals
Ill Will Bass & Vocals
Justin Case Guitar & Vocals
Gobes on Drums

Do you have any shows coming up? yea sure, The Big Smile Magazine Wesite Launch Show @ THE CLINIC!!
AND The Skalloween show on Oct. 28th
is gonna be an awesome show at the Knitting Factory with all 3 rooms
open!! those shows always awesome, check our page for details

What do you think about the show your playing on October 19th at the Clinic?
it FKin rocks, we know all about BIG SMILE Magazine, and we are honored to be a part of the show.... OH YEA!

How is the local scene treating you guys?
They Love us......and every city and show we play we
always get a great response from the crowds..... we think its cool when we found out some of our fans started calling themselves Outskirt Punx......

How long have you guys been a band? Well, this band has been a band for like 5 years.. but we were a band called "Pillow Fight", then about 1 year ago we changed the name of the band to The OUTSKiRTS

To you guys what is the best thing about playing Punk Rock? When we're on stage we come alive and put on a great F
KIN SHOW!!!!! We don't care if your punk or not, even if you have a litlle bit of punk in you, even if it's the smallest amount, maybe a freakin punk blood cell, you will like us.

When and where was your first show?
Wow, we've played alot......let me think..... Oh yeah, our first show as The Outskirts was in Santa Barbara at The Creekside Inn

How did it go?
It was AWESOME...I remember some of the flyers for the show still had our old band name "Pillow Fight" on them and some had "The OUTSKiRTS" .......... They Love us in Santa Barbara, the place was packed , the pit was movin, beer was flying everywhere, everyone got wet from all the beer flying around... the band... the crowd. It was a freakin blast!!!!!!

What inspires your lyrics?
alcohol....... hahaha jk .........LIFE!

What bands have influenced your music the most?
I think inspiration comes from everything you hear, whether you like it or not.

What bands did you grow up listening to? Alot of rap and
punk so i guess a little of everyone that made it onto the radio

What is the title of your latest cd?
Our new cd is called " Shot of Life " its not released YET.......

What religion are you guys and does that effect your music? I don't think any of us are particularly religious...I don't think religion or politics have any place in our music

Do you have any tours in the making?
Hopefully in '08

Do you guys have any promoting secrets that you would like to share with us that have gotten you to the point that your at right now?
Break bottles over your head...ahahaha

What do you think of Big Smile Magazine?
We Love Big Smile Magazine.....Charlie still has the first issue with a Pillow Fight full page ad inside...we've been all about you guys from the start!

What is the one thing people should remember in this
interview about The Outskirts?Just remember The Outskirts.

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