The Murdocks

Written by Josh Snider

Posted Jun 1, 2005, by Josh Snider.

Genre: Rock;
Franklin Morris - Guitar / Vocals
Ryan Cano – Drums
Robert Houghton - the cute one

What inspires you to play? FM: I strive to accomplish musically so everyone that ever made fun of me will feel like crap. RC: Honestly, my friend Scott I grew up with. We started playing drums together and had wanted to both be in rock bands that played shows together. He unfortunately passed away when I was a junior in High School. Sad but that’s the truth man. RH: Shame.

What do you want to see happen thru music in the future? RC: Time travel. RH: Money makin', money money makin'.

Are you doing anything to progress those ideas? RC: I have a DeLorean but I still looking for the Flux Capacitor on Ebay. RH: Yes.

Does being involved in playing music make you miss out on anything? FM: Education, Relationships, Friends. Nothing important really. RC: Lovers, Friends, Family, your own toilet. RH: Absolutely, I want to go back to school to be a writer but I'm addicted to rock.

Do your parents like you playing music today? FM: No. RC: They’re cool. They like the prettier songs of course. RH: Yes, they're still supportive.

What venues would you like to play the most that you haven't played at? FM: La Zona Rosa - Austin, TX RC: La Zona Rosa, The Parish both in Austin.TX, Spaceland in LA, Double Door in Chicago, Wimbeley Arena – London, UK RH: Sin-e' (NYC)

What venue has been the best to play at? Creepy Crawl in St. Louis, MO, 15th Street Tavern In Denver, CO, Emerald Lounge in Phoenix, AZ, Emo's in Austin, TX, The Room in Charlotte, NC

What city or area has been the best place to play? Humble, TX, Moss Point, MS, Los Angeles, CA or any of the other aforementioned cities.

What city or area has been the worst place to play? FM: Chipley, FL can rot in hell. RC: Dallas, TX. We want to love Dallas but we have had a few run-ins with a few clubs. Dallas hates us. It’s mutual now. RH: New York.

Where was your best show? FM: Hard to say. The funnest for me was my birthday show @ Room 710 in Austin 2 years ago. RC: There’s been plenty but the first time we played Charlotte at the Room was pretty cool. Our show in Long Branch, NJ was incredible but the audience was the other bands! Frank’s bday show in Austin totally destroyed. RH: Brighton Bar.

What makes a show the best? FM: We smashed instruments and looked cool. RC: Playing up to our standards for ourselves. Getting lost in what your doing and not ever remembering what just transpired. That’s the best. Audience reaction is great too. RH: The sound.

What does your band name mean? FM: More than 1 murdock. RC: It’s a plural word for Murdock. Ex: I am a Murdock, we are Murdocks!
What would you say if you saw yourself as a 10 year old kid playing at the park? FM: Don't sit on the swing. A bird pooped on it. RC: Remember these lotto number for this day in the future or remember how to write this song and start a band... RH: Hey wanna get in the van?

Why do you play music? FM: Personal enjoyment, neurotic drive, just to do something a little different. RC: Why do birds go South for the winter? I just have to. RH: Because I have no other discernable skills.

What makes you strive to be heard? FM: Who knows?! RC: I have no idea how to answer this. RH: Fear of failure.

Why would anyone want to hear your music? FM: Who knows?! RC: So you can get over get over crap like Alter Bridge (or insert your favorite Wind-Up artist) RH: Because we brainwashed them.

What you are saying thru your music? FM: We say something different in every song. RC: Hello.

How many people in the band right now are the original band members? FM: me. Rob and Ryan joined after year 2.

Where do you wish for your band to be in 5 years? FM: Not dead. RC: Touring Japan. RH: Making music for monetary compensation.

What do you think its going to take to get there? FM: A lot. RC: A plane. RH: Lots of hard work.

How old were each of you when starting to play instruments? Franklin - Guitar: 8, Vocals: 20 Ryan – drum 11. Robert – bass 12.

Where have you been playing lately and how has your response been? FM: Been on a west coast tour. Went very very well. RC: The West is the best. RH: L.A., good.

Have you ever been on tour, how many and how did they go? FM: 4 tours ... about to start ..5: Tour 1: Fun but not very successful Tour 2: Fun and successful Tour 3: Waaaay to hard and successful Tour 4: Fun and successful RC: I concur.

How does it feel to tour with the band members? FM: Like walking around with splinters in your feet! RC: Like being a driver for Frankie because his poor feet can’t press the gas pedal. RH: Sexy.

What do you guys do on the road to keep busy? FM: Sometimes play cards. Heavy drinking. RC: Being loaded helps. So does the circle jerk. Seriously though, driving the van to the next gig. RH: Bottle insertions.

What's your latest cd? Surrenderender

What do you guys think about it? FM: Good. Its a nice snapshot of exactly where we were as a band when we recorded it. It doesnt really mask any of our flaws ... simply displays what we are in an honest way. RC: It’s good. Go listen to an BACK ENDog recording before the medium dies.

Where can we get it? FM: Anywhere poor bands are sold. RH: CDUniverse, stores. RC: It’s nationwide.

What did your fans say about it? FM: Most of them haven't heard it yet. RH: Not enough sexy Rob pics. RC: I concur!


MURDOCKS DEBUT LP 'surrenderender' out nationwide on Surprise Truck April 19th, 2005.

Check out The Murdocks - Surenderender CD review on page 10.

MURDOCKS on tour forever and ever amen.



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