The Boxing Lesson - Wild Steraks & Windy Days
Posted Apr 7, 2008, by Bobby Bowers.
Truly love the new Boxing Lessons CD, all 12 tracks are amazing, you cant help but fall in a hypnotic state of bliss with his opiate like voice and transcending lyrics. Its really hard to describe this bands sound, its like they took every generation of music and combined them, there is times where i hear echoes of 50s but then a guitar rift that just screams 80s. The humor and brains of the band seep through with such titles as " Dark side of the Moog" ( a reference to Robert Moog or the astronomical software package for computing simulated spectra of stars) The Boxing Lesson is one of the Bands that dares to experiment and it pays off big. So i say check out there myspace at pick up the CD and come to there shows and we all will get lost in beauty together.