DragonForce (Drachekraft) HOB-ANA 4/15/09

Written by Big Smile Staff

Posted Apr 15, 2009, by Mc Monte Carlo.

Genre: Metal;
DragonForce (Drachekraft) House of Blues 4/15/09

Once again a nother kick *** show at The would famous House Of Blues in Anaheim Ca.I arived late to the show so i missed the first two opening acts, can't even tell you who they were. But arrived just intime to get a good view of the stage when the curtains opened for Dragon Force. Prior to this show I've only heard the name DF a million times and just heard they were amazing and before I knew it, the curtans were opening. DRAGON FORCE!
The Lead Singer had one of the best voices I've heard, very solid, but thats small talk compaired to the Guitarests. Between the doul guitar solos that their fingers move so fast your hands start to hurt just by watching and the perfect timming that they had down to the T.
The Drummer made drumming look so easy with his arms going crazy fast and double bass on turbo speed. They had a lot of tempo changes that is always hard for the drummer and he always was ontime and switched the tempos on Q.
The only thing I was not impressed with Df was their Bass player, he dident look like he was intot he music like the rest of the guys and he wasent very good compaied to the rest of the guys in the band. Maybe it was an off day for him? Or maybe NOT everyone can be a mind blowing musiction.
The keyboard player (saved the best for last) was the best keyboardst I've ever seen, between stage performance, his endless amount of energy, and keyboard skills, he almost stole the show. His dances and just style was comical and orignal. He busted out the KeyTar for a few songs and pulled off some amazing solos, compairable to the guiar riffs and solos.

Dragon Force's stage performance and stage energy was through the roof. Excellant! They had the stage set up in a very interesting way. the keyboard was back left, and the drums were back right, so when the solos where in the middle of the stage it dident block the drummer, they had fans blowing on them so they looked like they were in a music video the whole time. Fannominal band, If you hav'nt ever heard of these guys, check them out and if you have not ever seen them life, plase do. It will deffently be worth your time!



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