Authority Zero (Punk)

Written by Jonny Havoc

Authority Zero
Posted Jun 13, 2007.

Jason DeVore - Vox
Bill Marcks - Guitar/Vox
Jim Wilcox - Drums
Bryan Sandell - Guitar
Paul Fenix - Bass

What is your website?
Jason-You can check us out at

What is your myspace?

Any other websites?

Do you have any upcoming shows?
Jason-We will be playing the Warped tour starting June 28th.

What inspires most of your lyrics?
Jason-Everything in life. They are mostly a product of the
environment of which we are in at the time.

How many people in the band right now are the original band members?
(explain new members)
Jason- Jim Wilcox, Bill Marcks, and myself (Jason DeVore) are the
original members. Our recent additions are Bryan Sandell on rhythm
guitar and Paul Fenix on bass. We are now a five piece.

What other instruments can (each person) play (other than the ones
they currently play in the band)?
Jason- Most of us can swap out eachothers instruments and jam out on
them. It may not sound the best, but it's fun to try. I can play a
bit of saxaphone, but not quite like i used to haha.

Any funny/interesting stories?
Jason-Have you ever seen those high power bb guns that you can buy
at Walmart? We have about ten of them when we're touring in the van
and find it amusing to shoot eachother at point blank range for a
couple hours at a time. They usually have to power to shoot at about
400 feet per second. Think about how that must feel.

What do you think about UFOs?
Jason-I think they're rad.
Jim-totally believe! not that i wanna be abducted or anything but im a firm believer of life other than on earth.

What religion are you guys and does it effect your music?
Jason-A wide variety. Bill's Catholic, I was raised a Southern
Baptist Preachers son, and the other guys....that's a great
question? Not sure. It doesn't typically play a role in our music
Jim-grew up christian gave it up at 16 or so... i believe in what i believe in and thats all that matters. to me when you take a belief and try to build a structor around it, it just screws it all up... besides, whos to say what you are supposed to believe in, as long as you believe.

What do you think of vegetarians?
Jason-I think it sounds like a pretty healthy way of living and for
those who can do it, more power to ya. I can't pass me up a nice big
Rib-eye myself.
Jim-I don"t eat em. i prefer meat eating humans, they have more flavor

What do you guys do for work right now, other than playing music?
Jason-Music is our full time job. On top of that Jim has a
t-shirt/design company called Ransom Apparel
(, Bill is a subsitute spanish teacher and has
done promotions (, and I do random solo acoustic
gigs throughout town (

What were some of your favorite bands growing up?
Jason-Some of my personal favorites were Pennywise, Bad Religion,
Operation Ivy, Rancid, Sublime, NOFX, the Offspring etc.
Jim-Primus, Smashing pumpkins, AVAIL, Pennywise, Bad Religion, The Specials, Save Ferris, Warsaw, Tool, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Run DMC, A Tribe Called Quest, EPMD, Public Enemy, Notorious BIG, Dr Dre, NWA, Pink Floyd, Bjork, Led Zepplin... i could go on forever.

Any of the members of the band play in any other bands?
Jason-Jim played in a thrash punk group called the New Militia,
Bryan played in Last Action Zero's, Paul played/plays in Violet
Wild, and Bill and I have pretty much done this same group since we
were kids.

Have you lost any fans for doing something drastic? (like moving to
a bigger
label, changing your sound, ect)
Jason-Not that we're aware. We stay pretty close with our fans. They
mean a lot to us.

Anything you would like to say to your fans reading this interview?
Jason-You guys rock. Thanks so much for all your support throughout
the years. I can honestly say we have the best fans in the world.
You guys keep coming to the shows, and we'll keep playin em.
Jim-i love you....

So your latest album is called"12:34" could you tell us a little
about that?
Jason-It was titled that due to the fact that we would randomly see
that time popping up as well as that number in general. It started
happening during the recording process of A Passage In Time and it
kind of went away for a few years. We just recently starting seeing
it pop up again throughout the process of this new album. It seemed
fitting to title it that. In our eyes it appeared to be a sign of
good things to come. Synchronisity at it's finest.

Where can we get it?
Jason-You can pick it up at most local record stores. FYE, Best Buy
etc. as well.
Jim-I Tunes! i personally dont "shop" anymore. Truthfully i havent bought a cd in over a year! I Tunes is my best friend. i can get anything i want while naked in my office at home, and that makes me happy!

Could you tell me your planns for your next CD?
Jason-To rock it out hopefully harder than this last one. We always
try and evolve with our music. There's so much out there to
experiment with ya know. We'll probably begin the writing process
very soon. We have also messed around with the idea of
self-production this time around. Could be fun.

Any advice for anyone thinking about making a CD?
Jason-Write, write, and write. Keep writing until you have a vast
catalog of songs. Skim through them and pick your favorites so
you're completely happy with the disc you're about to make. It
should (in my opinion) end up being an album that even you enjoy
listening to. After all, you're writing music that you love to
listen to and will be playing over and over and over again.
Jim-pre production, good studio, click track (drummers), diversity, have fun!

What do you think of Big Smile Magazine?
Jason-I think it's FANTASTIC!
Jim-.... uh.... ya.

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